Are you using a focus wall? There are focus walls for reading, math, writing… probably for just about any subject you can think of. I was wanting to be a bit more intentional with my reading and comprehension this year. This is what it looked like at the beginning of the year before we began using it.
I like to focus on these four basic areas of comprehension. My goal is to try to cover these each week with the book we are reading. Once we get into the routine of identifying these areas, it becomes easier to do and we get quicker at it. This picture shows using the focus wall for one book.
I needed a change from the other focus wall because I wanted to include more than one grade on my focus wall. So second grade gets yellow Post Its and third grade gets the purple. This will help me manage the skills I want to teach every week and use the wall for more than one group.
For the comprehension skill that I want to cover, I have posters that cover those skills. I hang them up and trade them out each time we change skills.
As we learn a skill, we can glue inserts into notebooks that cover the comprehension skill. We then can use that comprehension skill to write about the text.
I like that a focus wall helps me to be purposeful with my lessons, getting in those skills each week that I want to be sure and cover and at the same time switching out my comprehension skills to cover. It also makes it more organized and predictable for my students!
I thought about doing a focus wall but I just couldn't figure out how to do it for 4 different grade levels. I like the way you have the post-it notes for your different grade levels! Do you notice your students using the wall as a reference?
Everyone deServes to Learn
Trying to figure out how to manage all my boards and resources for the different classes has been a challenge, Maria. I do have to guide my students to using the focus wall still, but hopefully they will be able to use it on their own soon.
I have thought about it too, but have not. Looks really good! Is it helping?
I think it helps both the students and myself to keep focused on certain comprehension skills, Kristin. I am liking having it!
I don't have focus walls. I can see how one will keep us, well, focused. 🙂
❀ Tammy
Forever in First
I am liking this focus wall, Tammy. It is really helping me to be "focused" on my comprehension skills.
Thanks for showing us your focus wall and really breaking it down-I can definitely see the importance of this in the classroom! I like you are able to put both grades on the same board and still be able to easily differentiate between the two! Great stuff! 🙂
Learning to the Core
Thanks so much, Amanda! The focus wall seems to be helping me and the kids stay focused on those skills. I like using it to help with that!