Lesson planning…love it or hate it, they have to be written. Or at least in my school they do. I really don’t mind writing them. I have played around with different templates and I tend to tweak them from year to year to get them how I like them. You can pick up my forms free in this post, plus another freebie in my RTI Visual Plans post today!
I use a variety of different guided reading ideas to put my plans together. They are kind of a mash up of different templates in a way that works for me and my groups. If I were in the regular classroom again, they would look completely different than this. All these components would be there, but in a different way. I have so many skills to get in with my little ones and only 30 minutes do cover all the areas. So this is just what works for me.
If you would like the lesson plans forms, you can click below to grab them free.
RTI has now begun for us at our school. Screenings were accomplished, groups were formed and baselines have been given. One of my groups will be doing a lot of work on short vowel words and learning sight words. The other group is older and will be working on fluency and comprehension. To improve their fluency I will be helping them strengthen their multisyllabic word reading. Sometimes older students have difficulty with breaking larger words in an efficient way. They become so used to not understanding the larger words they sometimes just spit out a word and keep going. This of course will throw off their comprehension. You can click my visual lesson plan above to download the plan and the links. I am new still to using my new Mac computer, so I hope the links are still there! If not you can click these pictures below to be taken to the activities. The fluency voice cards are a freebie!
Short and Long Vowel Word Sort Activities- click the picture for the link.
It’s Fall Y’all Literacy Activities- click the picture for the link.
Fluency Fun Strips and Quick Sketch Comprehension- click the picture for the link.
I am back to joining Mrs. Wills and Peek at my Week!
Tammy says
You do some amazing things in 30 minutes. Your lesson plans are very telling about how comprehensive you are.
lorivines4 says
Thank you Tammy! We have so many areas of need for each group. I just highlight a few skills on Mondays- I don't do all listed. I forgot to write that. Thank you for always valuing what I do. 🙂