Silent e…Sneaky e…Magic e… Whatever name you use, the e at the end of words usually has an important job to do- make the vowel say its name!
Some struggling readers have trouble with this little e. For some reason it doesn’t always stand out to them, they don’t attend to it. When we work on silent e words, I always overemphasize the sound of the vowel saying its name, so they can hear it better. The video clip above is a cute way to show the silent e’s job. When I found it, I really liked it because it shows the e jumping over the consonant to make the vowel say its name. Which is what I teach them in class.
The students love to draw the arrows over to the vowel. After we talk about short vowels and long vowels and how they are visually different as well as sounding differently, we go on a scavenger hunt.
For a scavenger hunt, I put up cvc and cvce on the board and students look for words with these patterns in their books. It is important to not teach these skills in isolation of reading. They need to see and practice this in real reading. If they find a word that visually fits the pattern AND fits the sound pattern (there are rule breakers out there!), they get to write the word on the Smartboard-after reading it to me first. We set the timer and see how many we get can. Fun while applying what we learned!
Here is a Silent e poster if your students need a little extra help. Sing it to the tune of “For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow”. Songs always seem to help things stick for students.
Click on the picture above if you could use this poster in your room. It’s a freebie!
Thanks for the video and post. I have a little guy that needs to see it again:) You never know just what might do the trick. I pinned the video. Thanks again.
This is one of things I definitely need to improve on. I've never taught them the cvc cvce thing. You make it sound like it's doable though. Thanks for making me think!
❀ Tammy
Forever in First
Love this, Lori! It's just what I need. I'm going to show the super e video on Tuesday. Thank you!!
Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
Love your scavenger hunt idea- definitely going to test that out in my guided reading groups this week- thanks for sharing!
Learning to the Core
My kids love this video! Thanks for the post with the other great ideas! Poster and song are awesome!!
lcooney, I hope the video and poster help out your little guy that is struggling. Thank you for dropping by to visit!
Thanks Tammy! I label the words cvc and cvce, but really we talk about whether the word has one or more vowels in the middle and whether it has a silent e on the end or not. Otherwise, it gets confusing to the kids to decide if it is a cvcc or ccvc, ect… type of word.
Thanks Barbara! I hope the video helps your students. Mine really enjoy it.
Aylin, I hope the scavenger hunt helps your students. Thank you for coming by to visit!
Thank you, Lisa! I am glad that you like the ideas. Thanks for coming by!