November is typically the time of year that we think more about the people and things we are thankful for. Considering what occurred Friday in Paris, I am even more thankful for the precious ones in my classroom and I want to be sure they know it. You can use this freebie too if you choose.
I know a lot of us have students write about what THEY are thankful for during November. But I want to tell each of my students (around 45) that I am thankful for THEM.
I have included a color version and a black and white version for you.
Just click on any of the pictures to download the Thankful pages. It’s a great way to spread blessings! And an added bonus, students get a little more practice with providing evidence in their writing.
Wanted to let you know that the second resource in my Chunk Its resources is ready for you. This new Chunk Its is about teaching students to read and spell in chunks of consonant blends and digraphs. Students need practice using these chunks of sounds instead of using individual sounds. Click the pictures or here to see this resource.
Tammy says
That's a very sweet way to express gratitude in the classroom. I know kids would cherish this.
lorivines4 says
Thank you for that, Tammy!