All week during read alouds, shared reading, and small group reading, we are modeling and helping students, we hope, towards being independent readers. They need to be able to transfer those skills and apply them during their independent reading to demonstrate that they do really understand and are capable of using those skills. But that can be difficult sometimes.
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We have been reading Tacky books, which my students love! Who doesn’t love Tacky and his wacky, but adorable ways? I used these books to help the students with problem and solution in stories. We charted the problems and solutions as we read the books.
After modeling finding problem and solution, students grabbed their independent reading tool kits and book baggies and off they went to enjoy independent reading.
My students really enjoy their tool kits! There isn’t a lot in them and they aren’t anything fancy, but cool bookmarks and Post-it Notes are worth getting excited for. 😄 And we want excitement while kids are learning!
I just use those cheap pencil pouches that can be clipped into their notebooks to keep everything for the tool kits. Different sizes of Post-its, pencils, bookmark and highlighter for when we use articles are kept inside. Easy!
I need to get me some lined PostIt Notes for some of my readers who are struggling to write on the notes and keep it from being all jumbled up.
As students are scattered out reading and enjoying their books (I always try to use that phrase- let’s go enjoy our books to promote the enjoyment of reading), they take the took kit with them. As they are reading, they can stop and jot if they would like. Then for the last few minutes, we gather back together on the carpet to share what we found in our own books. This day was for if we found the problem and solution in our stories. After sharing with the group or our partner, the Post-it notes go up on our Problem/Solution anchor chart.
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