Are you back in school? Or starting soon? I start next week. I have been working on my classroom this week and have been looking for some ideas to make my room and year get off to a fabulous start.
Well, I have a WONDERFUL way to get your school year started off to a fabulous start!! How about the 2nd annual teacher EMagazine??
I am so excited about this! The EMagazine is FILLED with all kinds of teacher must haves for the classroom.
I am thrilled that I was included in this EMagazine. Don’t forget to look for me as you flip through all the great teachers and their ideas. So many different ideas that teachers use in their classroom that you might like too.
The first image is a picture for you to Pin on Pinterest. Please Pin it so other teachers can enjoy the EMagazine and all the ideas shared inside. The one under that is the EMagazine. You can click to open it. Then just click on the links to be taken to where these ideas can be found. Easy, easy!!
We truly hope you enjoy the EMagazine and that you have a wonderful school year!!
Congrats on being included in the magazine. Sweet!
❀ Tammy
Forever in First
Congratulations 🙂
I went back today. I'm exhausted!!!
Literacy Without Worksheets
Thank you, Tammy! I am excited to be included!
Thank you, Bridget! Those first days back are exhausting. I hope you get some rest!