Working with words: stretching them out, counting the sounds, clapping syllables…. This is something I have my struggling readers do each week. The students seem to really like working with the words and the sounds that they hear. It is fun to watch them work through the steps and how their facial expressions change when they see the numbers. They can tell when something doesn’t seem right (yay for that) and you can see them shake their little heads when they have tried to clap out the syllables, but actually had counted the sounds instead. I love that they notice this and back up to correct it. 🙂
Here is what our chart looked like when we started putting all the skills together. Just to get to write on the chart was a huge deal to them. It’s something different than regular paper, so hey, this must be fun!
Ms. Rachel says
This is great! Thanks for sharing! Im your newest follower!
Ms. Rachel’s Room
Tarra Mackelson says
Hi Lori,
Up for a game of tag? You're it! Check out my blog for details!
Tammy says
Those struggling little ones need so much of this kind of thing and knowing the difference between them all is sure beneficial to their reading and writing.
Tarra Mackelson says
Hi Lori!
Thanks so much for the nice comments about my Pigeon art! My cuties loved the series so much!
Love the Shelfari on your blog!
Kelly says
Very cool! I will definitely be using this with my kiddos! Thanks!
"Kindergarten Kel
Miss Squirrels says
I am your newest follower!
Going Nutty!
{CoMe CheCk It OuT}
travelingteacher says
Love this! They love charts like this!
I have similar documents for concepts of print to do into literacy portfolios.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Annest says
I love this… thanks for sharing!
lorivines4 says
Thank you all for commenting on the word work. This was my first attempt at giving something away. 🙂 I appreciate that you all took the time to drop by and say something!
Jessica says
I love this word work idea!! It was a very successful first attempt. Thank you for sharing! 🙂 I am following you too!
Apples and Papers
melissa says
LOVE it! I'm your newest follower!
stop by
lorivines4 says
Jessica, thank you so much for the the kind words. Thank you too for following!
lorivines4 says
Melissa, thank you also for the nice words and for following me. I stopped by your blog and am following you too. 🙂 says
Thank you. I can see this in a center. Can you tell me how you use the "sound" column? Not sure I got that.
lorivines4 says
jwhit: Sounds means how many sounds you hear in a word. For example: dog: /d/ /o/ /g/= 3 sounds. Funny: /f/ /u/ /n/ /e/= 4 sounds heard. Hope that helps. 🙂
Selina Smith says
I love this! I'm your newest follower:)
lorivines4 says
Thank you Selina for dropping by to look at my blog and to follow me!!
Elisabeth says
I love all things literacy and am happy to be your newest follower!
Twins, Teaching and Tacos.
lorivines4 says
Thank you Elisabeth for stopping by and following me! 🙂
Mrs. Clancy says
I love this Tammy! This would be a great large group lesson for K's
Kaleigh says
This is great, thanks Lori!
I've nominated your blog for an award, come on over to grab it!
✿ Kaleigh
Kaleigh's Klassroom
Emmy de Greslan says
Hiya Lori!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you now too (yay!) and cannot wait to read more of you fabulous ideas. I worry about teaching struggling readers so I'm finding this inspirational xx
Daydreams of a Student Teacher
lorivines4 says
Emmy: thanks for commenting! I love getting new ideas, especially ones I can use with my struggling readers.
Emily D-W says
Thank you! This is such a great resource and a perfect way to combine all of the skills I am teaching!
lorivines4 says
Thank you, Emily!