My students are very interested in what I am reading at any given time. They know that I love to read, that I read every day, and that I think reading is so important. So we have lots of good dialogue on what book I am on now and what it is about. Which leads to good teaching points: what genre is it, did someone recommend this book to me, even what page I am on now. I try to transfer to the students that adults talk to each other about books that they read and LOVE. So I got an idea from Eliterate Librarian on Pinterest and made a poster about what I am currently reading. They ask for updates on what is happening now in the book, what page I have gotten to, and if I have left it up too long, they want to know if I am even still on that book.
Students have their own currently reading papers that they fill out and staple to the board so we can all see who is reading what. We have discussed that this is a good way to see what books others are enjoying and get ideas of what to read next. When they are done with their book, they simply take it down, fill out another paper and staple it up.
If you click on the poster above, you can download the Your Teacher is Currently Reading… for free. I hope it sparks lots of book talk conversations with your students!!!
What a great idea!
I will sometimes bring along a book as a sub and when kiddos have reading time, I'll sometimes read too and they get soooo interested in everything.
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Thanks for posting about this. I was looking forward to hearing more about it. I think it's a fabulous idea!
❀ Tammy
Forever in First
Fabulous idea!
Hello Mrs Sykes
Cute idea!! Thanks for sharing – kids are always interesting in anything that involves the teacher's life outside of school/teaching them. 😉
I love the idea of them posting what they are reading. What a great way to get them excited to move through books and on to new ones!
I love this idea!! This would be a great activity to encourage my reluctant readers.
The Daily Cupcake
Miss T., isn't it fun when they get into what we are reading? 🙂 Thank you Tammy! This post was for you since you asked!! Thank you Jen, Mrs. K, Angela, and Bobbie! I do appreciate the feedback. 🙂