I am just so thankful for all of the wonderful bloggers out there! In the short amount of time that I have been blogging, I have seen so much kindness from everyone from sharing great teaching ideas, to sharing freebies, to the giving of awards. These ladies have been so nice to pass on some awards to me and I am just so grateful to them!! The first award is the Top 10 Award and the other award shared with me is the Lovely Blog Award. Thank you ladies for all you do!!
Tammy at Forever in First
Kelly at Kindergarten Kel
Latricia at Wild About Second Grade
Kaleigh at Kaleigh’s Klassroom
Jen at The Go To Teacher
TammySF at 1 2 3 Teach With Me
Emmy at Daydreams of a Student Teacher
Please go check out these ladies and their blogs and enjoy the wonderful ideas that they have!
Congratulations Lori!
The Daily Alphabet
No, thank YOU for all YOU do. It's been wonderful to find a kindred spirit all the way from Missouri!
You are so very welcome!!!
Thank you Angela! Tammy, it is too bad our states aren't closer together! TammySF, I appreciate you always coming by and commenting. 🙂