Our list of February Must Read Books has some interesting and fun books on it! February is a busy month with lots of special events and days. Some of these include Black History Month, President’s Day, Valentine’s and even National Pizza Day! We also posted our FREE Digital February Literacy Challenge last week. If you missed it, you can find it here.
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I remember as a student in elementary school, reading about Harriet Tubman. I am amazed at this woman’s bravery and courageous actions! Students will enjoy reading about Harriet Tubman. This book also utilizes a lot of nonfiction text features.

Up next for our February Must Read Books is a colorful book. Of course, I had to choose a book about love for Valentine’s Day! I like how this book demonstrates that love can be demonstrated in a variety of ways.

What child can resist learning weird facts about anything? Strange information just captures everyone’s attention! This Weird But True book about the presidents delivers on this and includes a wide variety of nonfiction text features too!

I am thinking I agree with this little girl that EVERY night should be pizza night! It is a fun book to share for National Pizza Day and for teaching students to expand their knowledge and willingness to learn about and try new foods.

For Dental Health Month, I chose Open Wide. It is one of those books that includes all sorts of text on each page. It makes a great book for learning about teeth and for learning how to manage a book with so many different areas of text on the pages.

I know a lot of you are focusing on fluency with multisyllabic words this month. This multisyllabic words binder focuses on the r controlled vowels from the 6 syllable types.

There are 10 sections of activities to help students as they progress from reading individual multisyllabic words to reading phrases. Included are also short texts with comprehension questions that can be used as assessments. This binder is a companion to the Closed Syllable, Open Syllable, and the Silent e Binders. Two more binders are also coming soon!
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