Do you have students keep track of their progress in RtI? It is a great way for them to visually see their progress and a way for them to be even more involved in their learning.
If you have been reading along on my blog, you know that I truly believe in RtI. There are different factors that help make it successful. I get emails from readers asking me questions about how I have structured RtI in my school and how they might make it successful in their school too.
I was asked about my RtI folder that I kept on my students: graphs, student notes on movement through the tiers, rubrics, etc… So I created these two RtI Data Binders to help out those of you looking to document your students progress in RtI and a way for students to track their own progress. Above is a picture of a goal sheet for students to fill out before and after the RtI cycle is complete.
This is an example of a graph the teacher would keep in the RtI binder showing the goal line and the progress line from weekly progress monitoring. You can keep track weekly how the students are improving or not and adjust your teaching as needed.
I also keep copies of parent notification letters. This is your documentation that you have had parent contact about their child being in RtI and what the interventions would be.
I have included ways for you to keep track of which interventions all the students in your tier are receiving and a graph for documenting the days and absences your RtI students attend.
All those graphs and pages, plus binder covers for the teacher and students are included in my RtI Data Binder. This one covers skills mostly for kindergarten students. It contains graphs for documenting skills like rhyming, deleting phonemes, letter identification, etc… This pack is not the assessments or activities. It is all the forms and graphs you need for documenting and tracking progress.
If you are needing the activities and assessments and a way to keep track of them, this Kindergarten Assessment Binder & Phonemic Awareness Bundle would be what you need.
This is an example of a student tracking graph from my first grade RtI Data Binder for students to track their own progress. This binder has graphs for short vowels, digraphs, vowel teams, inflections, and many more.
Even though this is the first grade binder, there could be overlap with your students on the skills. If your first grade student is really missing skills, you may need the kindergarten binder first or a second grade student may need the first grade binder. You must know where your students are and what skills they are lacking specifically to move them forward.
I hope these 2 packs will help you with your documenting of student progress in RtI. Keeping track of data and specifically adjusting your teaching to according to what trend you are seeing on their graphs makes RtI so much more successful! Click on any picture to see these packs.
Update- RTI Binder Systems for grades Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, and now Fifth Grades are all available! Click here to see each of them.
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Lori says
I love the parent letters and student graphs you have included. In our district, we have to input the results of progress monitoring into a computer program that graphs it for us. We are also starting to have student data notebooks this year, and these progress tracking forms will work perfectly. Are you going to make one for second grade?
Learning by the Seashore
Tammy says
Your organization is superb. I can see how that's a must with RtI. Actually, it's a must with most any kind of progress we're keeping track of.
❀ Tammy
Forever in First
Colleen Noffsinger says
I love your ideas and TPT creations for RtI! You certainly are one organized teacher. 🙂 I'm a reading specialist new to the blogging community. Your blog is fabulous. I even love your blog design- so adorable. I'm on a "wait list" to have Literacy Loving Gals re-designed. Your blog is also on my "Blog Roll", since I visit your site often and follow you on Bloglovin'. Thanks for all you do!
Literacy Loving Gals