Will you be watching the Game today? Who is going to win? Or are you watching to see all the great commercials? They always have some good ones!
How about some TpT shopping? There is a huge sale today so you better fill up your carts!
I thought I would show you a variety of items today. The one above is great to use during RtI. We are getting ready to start our next cycle of RtI interventions and these will definitely be helping me! There are 6 different short vowel activities: a foldable, Roll A Word, Picture Sorting, Bingo, Making Words, Short Vowel book that the students create.
These are some fun things for Valentine’s Day parties! How about armbands instead of regular Valentine cards?
This last one is my Snowmen At Night Literacy Unit. Lots of reading comprehension activities and writing units like narratives and explanatory writing.
Click here to be taken to my store. Don’t forget to use the code so you can get the maximum savings!
Enjoy the game and have fun shopping today!
Good luck today! 🙂
❀ Tammy
Forever in First
I love the short vowel activities!
Literacy Without Worksheets
I'm hosting a giveaway for the pencil sharpener I blogged about!! Head over to my blog to enter! 🙂
Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
Your blog is too cute!! I love it! I'm your newest follower. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Tammy! It was a great Super Bowl Sunday!
Thanks Bridget! The short vowel activity is one of my favorites. 🙂
Thanks for coming by my blog, Kimberly! I entered your contest. 🙂
Thank you Mrs. Harris! I appreciate you coming by to visit!