Today is my 3rd installment in how our school implements RtI. You can read about Tier 1 here and Tiers 2 and 3 here. We are in no way experts and the way we do it is certainly not the only way RtI can or should be done. But what we are doing is definitely working for us and we are seeing a lot of good growth with our students.
I make up folders for each team member to use during our meeting. Team members include me, the leader of RtI, mostly I act as a facilitator during meetings by helping the classroom teacher to be feel at ease during the meeting, run the meeting, facilitate communication between members, and keep things moving. Also on our team: principal, counselor, two special ed teachers, Reading Recovery teacher, preschool teacher, and one classroom representative from K-1, 2-3, and 4-5. Our speech teacher also joined us this year.
Here is a picture of our data page. I include the old DRA score plus the most recent score, how many levels of improvement, whether they are on grade level reading now or not, and if they are enrolled in Title 1 Reading or tutoring. I leave spaces for team members to write in whether the graphs showed improvement on the interventions and what was voted on for each student.
Now for the meeting! Our wonderful speech teacher loves to cook and she fixes all kinds of goodies for us for our meeting. Think cheese cakes, cookies, appetizers, etc….Whatever she brings, you can count on it being wonderful! Our principal buys snacks and drinks and we are set for the day. It really does make this stressful day a bit easier. We have a floating sub who travels that day to each teacher scheduled to come to our meeting. The teacher comes in and we discuss each of her students that were in tiers 2 and 3. Each student’s graphs have been scanned and the graphs are displayed on the Smartboard. We look at how much progress was shown on each graph and how much progress was made on the most recent DRA. We have a rubric that guides us with decision making. We discuss what we see and the progress shown in class. Then we take a vote on which tier the student qualifies to move into next.
It takes a LOT of work to get things ready for the meeting and to keep track of each student and the tier they are in for each cycle. I keep files on each student and after each meeting I mark in their file what tier they were voted on to go into and their DRA score. Graphs are kept in their files too. That way if a student goes out of tiers 2 or 3 and then shows back up later, we have records of what has happened in the past with them. It is mostly about getting a system down that works for you!
Hope this abbreviated version of what we do helps in some way for your school’s RtI development! I have not been able to tell you every single thing we do, but I have tried to hit the highlights for you. I am sure I have forgotten some things that I should have included, but it is hard to include it all. Let me know if I have forgotten something that you were hoping would be in this!
That is quite a process. It's obvious that the team is very passionate about making the best choices for each student. When are you going to write an RTI book? 🙂
❀ Tammy
Forever in First
I enjoyed reading your posts on RTI. I coordinated RTI for my district. It really helped to cut back on the number of kids being evaluated for special education. Sounds like you are doing a great job!
Wow – what a lot of work. It sure makes sure that no student misses out on what they need though. Your students are very lucky!
You are right, Tammy. It is a big process to get it all in from beginning to end. Still too much for me to learn for a book! But thank you for the kind words!
Sandra, I know you could give some good information on RtI too! Thank you for your kind words!
Thank you, Jennifer! We do try to be sure no one falls through without extra help and teaching. Your kind words made my day!
What rubric do you use and what interventions are used based on what is needed?
Lorri, the rubric we use is one that I created for our school and that has gotten tweaked each year. It is designed to take into consideration the amounts of progress made with the interventions and with the DRA. Interventions are chosen based on what the students are needing based on how they did on the phonemic awareness assessments and the DRA. Hope this helps. Thank you for your questions and for taking time to read my post.